Aircraft Carrier Stream | World of Warships: Legends Live Stream

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Maybe some Siegfried too?

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  1. Playing the Langley for the first time reminded me of when I started playing wows, I had no idea wtf was going on.

  2. Try using the hull crusher inspiration for more torp damage

  3. Do you know how to earn steel?

    • @WildlandsGaming What? I have to finish the entire Admiralty Backing before I can earn steel! That’s just stupid I won’t be able to get the missouri because I’m broke

    • @Imperial Navy I feel for you, the Missouri will be a very rare ship cept for people that have a lot of money. 🙁

  4. StickMasterCaleb 32

    I would say this is balanced but it’s a bit UnderBalanced

  5. If they don’t add AP bombs then make the HE bombs a little stronger. They are weaker then bird dropping at the moment.

  6. Nice games. You actually said Spee correctly.

  7. Xarkun how do you get the carriers I completed the activities but it doesn’t show up in my port?

  8. Couldn’t get the theme from 633 squadron out of my head while watching this vid, very enjoyable my friend.

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