World of Warships – Throw Hard

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I’m sensing a theme developing in the titles of this weeks’ videos…

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  1. The last time I was this early she left me

  2. No one tell Jingles about the meaning of his name. Damn weebs.

  3. World of Tanks – Win Hard
    World of Warships – Throw Hard
    What comes next? Overwatch – Reinhard?

  4. Gotta love the Jingles’ Ikea post screen haha

  5. I dunno about others, but I’m having a blast with my “tomato” built Shimakaze (20Km torps). New skills allow for even more extreme builds, after I manage to get this commander to level 21 (already close to that) I’m planning to try a gunboat build with another one, I’ve seen a rather tempting combination that may crown the Shima as the ultimate tier X troll.

  6. Love the attention to detail in your custom rendition of the Halland.

  7. Players like the Salem really do make you wanna take a hand full of anti-depressants…. he was the kinda player I saw too much ofin ranked yesterday

  8. That Salem was oblivious to all this. He was playing his own game.

    • @Jeff Clarkson Considering he used his radar three times while camping out behind that Island I can only conclude that he was heating up the emitter to make s’mores.

    • Playing Pokemon Go on his phone.

    • @DaManBearPig with that many games played, it is entirely possible that he failed his way to the Salem. It probably took some time, but it is possible to grind any coal ship within less than a year, even if you only open the first cotainer every day and just go for ressorces.

  9. I thought I was a potato, that was new level potato!

  10. That Shima he talks about at 8:00 had just recently tried to torp the Mino, so had no torps for the Yama. However he was too close.

    • Was about to say that too. And he mispositioned so hard it wasn’t even funny. How in the world did he get himself surrounded by 3 enemy ships when they were camping/retreating?

  11. The ships at A got there in 3 minutes. It’s now 10min into the game and they are still there…At the same position.

  12. That “Ikea” at the Post-Battle Result Screen killed me so hard xD

  13. Credits also to the other mino on his team, that guy held that flank well.

  14. Jingles: Salem and his 9km radar

    Reality: 8.5 km radar

    • Still sat more than 5km away from where it was useful at all times though

    • If that Salem had been even remotely competent the enemy Minotaur would have lasted all of 2 minutes. Mino just went full speed right up to the middle with one flank wide open. Smoke or no smoke, in a cruiser with paper armor that’s normally suicide.

  15. The G.K. at the end pops hydro immediately after he launches torps and detects the DD. Doesn’t change course or speed

    • To be fair, if you’ve ever played a GK, you know hydro is for others.. That thing does NOT dodge lmao. It pushes and spots torpedoes for others, but if the torpedoes are aimed at it, then so be it!

    • @DaManBearPig Oh no, that’s the thing: if you’re shot from broadside as a GK with hydro on, you are getting obliterated. That thing does NOT turn, has a BIG broadside and has a BAD torpedo belt. There isn’t a single ship in the game that gets smashed by torpedoes more than the GK.

      I used to play GK all the time and hydro was a suggestion.

  16. @Necesito Soma Por Favor no, that’s how you pronounce it. All hail the mighty uwu

  17. Oh damn it actually got uploaded, i did so much weird stuff this game, cant believe it actually worked.

  18. @Stephan Makintaya Australian perhaps.

  19. As someone enjoys playing the Worcester, I have no words for what I just witnessed.

  20. @Brendan O’Neal I know. You would have had your torps ready to go!

  21. @AllAhabNoMoby lol

  22. @BlAckH0le i think he wanted to kill mino who was near enough broadside to him, but then realized that halland was a bigger threat

  23. Shows that despite all his time on the Internets creating content that Jingles is still somewhat innocent, lets not ruin that.

  24. Gotta admit, that’s an amazing handle

  25. @John Ingle still uses internet explorer probably. That’s how you truly know

  26. In chat.
    “I can’t believe it”
    “You will ”
    That was hilarious.

  27. @theyshisizj But he originally shot at that Halland? Like it’d take immense stupidity to stop shooting at the DD you already have on the hook and switch fire to a Minotaur that can’t really threaten you IMO

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