When you have to kill everyone – World of Warships

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So I’m super close to rank 1 and these are the kinda games that I have to have, to get it apparently.

1 man team reporting for duty xD

Enjoy and have fun watching 😉

Invite code for new players – [https://playtogether.worldofwarships.eu/invite/JKzn67k](https://playtogether.worldofwarships.eu/invite/JKzn67k)

WT invite link – [http://warthunder.com/en/registration?r=userinvite_25996107](http://warthunder.com/en/registration?r=userinvite_25996107)

Visit my merch shop – [https://streamlabs.com/flambass/#/merch](https://streamlabs.com/flambass/#/merch)

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  1. The Tank Commander

    The answer to this riddle of ranked is in the title YAYUH!!!

  2. must’ve been a big pot of glue over there

  3. geez i want bourgogne so bad….

  4. Must’ve been a bad run that salt was turned up to 11 immediately.

  5. Hi Flammbass! I have a question. Is the Bourgogne a Good ship? You often play it.

    Sorry for my bad englisch. (I live in Germany)

  6. @Paul P. anyone who want 🙂

  7. i wanna see the battle with the kremlin now…

  8. @xyyx_/mfx5532100 they found the Battleships secret stash

  9. Slaps the minotaur. It precedes to print a daring to replace the health lost

  10. That Thunderer is a 45% WR and 586 PR ( that is ridiculously low ) after 28k battles ! this is 95% of the WoWS player base ! FML !

  11. And of course, it was Thunderer who saved their star….

  12. when someone asking about the plan, i say “ABC no plan kill all”

  13. I think that 90% of enemy players, as soon as you “select” them, turn around and start running away, it’s like the only thing they know how to do. It’s hilarious that you can literally denial an area just by selecting a bunch of ships, without even firing or getting detected. That tells a lot about the quality of current playerbase.

  14. They just released habakkuk, did you try her??

  15. 1:46
    I laughed way too much at this

  16. start-rant: That Kremlin must have been certain rabbit from battery ad…

  17. I feel like this is the worst rank season ever. Before today I was the avg player in highest division. So, I had to struggle to get to rank one, but I just had to make sure I don’t do mistakes and take the right ship. In this season it felt like random. Some 40% people are just rushing ahead and die or staying in the corner and lose by points. Cvs are just winning the game or losing it straight forward. Bunch of people getting deleted by some mysterious force that u can’t even understand how or predict it. But one thing is certain,- some thunderer always saves the star doing absolutely nothing for the win…

  18. “I played ranked for x hours just to end up where I started.” Yep, definitely sounds like ranked. Feels good man.

  19. Jingles would say that he might give you a broadside if he could think and breath at the same time, but from the evidence I see that is a very remote likely hood.

  20. 11:24 when she says she has changed and asks for another chance

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