Past the point of no return – World of Warships

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Sometimes you actually pass the point of no return in the match and you realize that you’re gonna lose. It would take a miracle to win but you still do your best and hope for one.

This is probably one of those games.

Enjoy and have fun watching πŸ˜‰

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  1. Been there. Seen things.

  2. RearAdmiralBIGCORE

    Submerged Yamato? That, is one I’ve never seen in my life!

  3. “Yamato less than 20 km from ennemy ship, YoU dOn’T kNoW hOw To PlAy” – a very good player with only premium ships

  4. What, he’s actually on his seat at the start of a match?

  5. Taking that Somers out was the way back.

  6. Максим Шишлов

    Yamato still beast since 1940.

  7. MyopicAutisticMetal

    That Sommers is living the good life, he’s capping everything under the noses of your team, he’s almost 2/3 hp still and waltzes into your spawn 11km from you with no contest!

  8. Thunderer be like: imma go nose in! Nek Minnit: A10 looks great! Wish you were here! Can I get to the Derpenberg river from here?

  9. You were expecting a Thunderer with a brain?

  10. In WOW never doubt in the ability in your team or the other team to snatch defeat from the jaws or victory, but to have both teams doing it at the same time?

  11. Yamato flawless comeback exactly the day when she was sunk, she deserved it

  12. Darkness Nighthingale

    Quick question. Why did they neft Yamato AA?
    Used to be 132 an now it’s 88

  13. Thing is, even on T10, people just playing. You know just volly some shells – never think about strats like you do. Games likes this need a ranked system with leagues wich they never really can pull off due to the tier system (wich never really represent experience – just that you can hold up).

  14. Charlie Charalambous

    look how the game ended up… with the thunderer on the middle, and you on the left… just like you said it should have been.

  15. This shima saved the game

  16. That thumbnail looks… Intimidating

  17. I think the old man needs to be awakened for this one

  18. This should be video 2 in a “Drag them Kicking and Screaming” series. πŸ™‚

  19. “I need you to die” That was the most calmest but creepiest quote and way flambino said it.

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