World of Tanks – Best Buds

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Todays’ video features a tale of forbidden love between OnTheFritz in the AwfulPanther and an M44 teammate he struck up a fruitful relationship with during a random battle on the Karelia map. Teamwork, kids. It’s not just for Navy recruitment commercials.

WOT intro by:

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  1. GhostReapersWorld

    “You can not string words together…”
    But that’s how the German language works 😀

  2. 0:54 Stringin words together to make new ones is how germanic languages work for the most part jingles.

  3. The gnome overlord has graced us with another 15 minutes of his beautiful voice.

  4. Jingles: ” Seriously Germany. Stop it! You can’t just take a bunch of existing words, string them together and pretend that they are a new word”
    Me: Yes, we can!
    Feuerwehrhauptmann: Yes, we can!
    Panzerfahrer: Yes, we can!

  5. Actually Jingles, you described the German language perfectly.

  6. Me as a german on your long word comment:
    “Thats not even my final form!” >:D

  7. It was removed because WG can’t allow any form of fun in their games.

  8. Andreas Müller

    Actually JIngles, ther german language works exactly like that.

  9. TheJewsOwn TheMedia

    My best buds fell into a big bowl and were set on fire.

  10. Jingles: ” Seriously Germany. Stop it! You can’t just take a bunch of existing words, string them together and pretend that they are a new word”
    Finland: Lentokonesuihkuturbiinimoottoriapumekaanikkoaliupseerioppilas

  11. @DJAvren But the dutch once ate a dude so lunacy is to be expected

  12. The Titan Onsters

    What the f***

  13. Ya know last time I was this early, it seemed like jingles was gonna finish alien isolation. And just like this joke, it never hit home.

  14. What does it mean?

  15. People usually say that Light Tanks are the “natural enemies” of artillery.
    As an arty player, I say that LTs and arty are natural friends. Of course, ALLIED LTs and arties.

    And I love replays when there’s sinergy between those two vehicle classes.

    This one here shown by Jingles was awesome.

  16. @Yukkuri Spee Regulation on the delegation of authority concerning land conveyance permissions. This is a law (which have a tendency to have unintuitive names) and a pretty specific one at that, a law that was active in one city for four years from 2003 to 2007.

    Yes I googled it, I had no idea what it meant either xD

  17. @Poccer 77 Yeah, these long words are always incredibly specific and often part of what we call “Beamtendeutsch” (officialese). No one (usually) talks like that.
    Another feature of German officialese is using nouns instead of verbs. As in English you can change a verb into a noun but it sounds unnatural to do so too much.

  18. Jingles threw the bait and every germanic language speaking country took it… xD

  19. ” Seriously Germany. Stop it! You can’t just take a bunch of existing words, string them together and pretend that they are a new word”
    German: Amsel
    English: blackbird

  20. I know that everyone hates Artillery, but when I see a great pairing of of Artillery and teamwork, I get ridiculously excited.

  21. Jingles: “Stop recycling words into new words, Germany”
    Germany” The boat on the river Rhine……”

  22. I got an invader medal a few years ago with my M44, the only one I ever got. XD

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