How It Works: Economics – Expenses | World of Warships

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In the new episode, we’re going to tell you about expenses and what a ship’s post-battle service entails.
What are the mandatory and optional post-battle expenses? Does the cost of a ship’s post-battle service depend on her type? What signals and camouflages reduce the post-battle service cost?


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  1. How it works: Buy premium or go broke.

    • Exactly


    • Haris Sejdinović

      @HMS Hood its actually pay for progress..with premium and a lot of signals and camos you will progress quicker than players without doesnt give you advantage in battles…you can have a premium but if you are noob you will still progress slowly

  2. the thumbnail, those are old icons XD

  3. VietCong InBush

    I do not care much about economics but… Please bring back the 10x flag reward for earning achievements. Earning achievements feels pointless without additional reward.

  4. Condurat Cornel

    And they still wont explain the difference cost per ship type as a dd , cruiser, battleship , aircraft carrier ( a lazy video ) . A line cv at tier 10 ( midway for exe ), without premium camo cots 250 k per battle if you lose more then 60 planes.

  5. Honestly tier X upkeep costs are way too high for standard accounts. Almost every lost match results in a loss of credits unless you have really good game

    • that’s WG way to make people play lower tiers, which works perfectly fine unti they release tier 10 prems

    • @Waldherz FeuerClan I don’t think that’s the case, wargaming’s policy of ignoring everything the seasoned players say just to try and lure in new players shows that probably the most money comes from new players that technically have no need for premium stuff, but want to reach high tiers faster so they either buy premium account or premium ships

    • Waldherz FeuerClan

      @Scatoletta …Thats probably also true. Sadly.
      I admit that Im also throwing money at this game. But Id rather waste it at this game than buying 3 new games that die in 8 months xD

    • @Scatoletta I play tier X and don’t pay a single dollar to Wargaming. The thing is, tier X upkeep is really not that bad and the point is to encourage people to play low tier. Alternatively, to pay for premium. But it’s really not that hard to play tier X all the time. You’re basically asking for a free game to give you more free stuff… It’s a business: they need to make money and this is in nooo way scummy, it’s pretty tame.

    • @dzello I’m not asking for more free stuff, I’m asking to play the game without getting penalized for doing so. Doesn’t sound like an absurd thing to me. As for the lower tiers thing, people that mostly play tier X would probably just go play tiers VIII or IX, wich are in the same matchmaking area, few people would go lower than that. And yeah it might not bankrupt players, but I just can’t stand the idea of having to pay credits just to get into a match

  6. WG: It is worth going down fighting and shoot as much as you can
    Also WG: You will need to pay for every piece of ammunition after each battle

    • Imagine being in a german battleship and paying for each shells a secondary battery will fire

    • @UssopSniperKing since people these days keep themself at the back and try to hit shit at 20km. Secondary won’t has much chance to shoot anything

    • @Volknet AI. When you have the Kurfurst and you shoot with the same dispersion as a shotgun that’s different story ^^

  7. This message needs to have been driven HARD a long time ago.

    Also, bring back signal flags rewards for achievements.

    Removing that was a MEAN thing to do.

  8. How ramming damage actually calculate ?

  9. Gerasimos03 The builder

    You didn’t even tried to go in detail… Like, do AP shots cost more than HE? what about torpedoes, ect! C’mon wargaming! Really? XD

  10. WG would you be so kind as to give us back signals for achievements, even if the number is massively reduced.

  11. Astaven Repulsive

    1:00 I’m not hiding, I just don’t wanna the enemy gains more xp by killing me

  12. Hey wargaming bring back 10 signal we won with achievements in the battles

  13. And if you have a carrier, it’s like you sailed into battle with two ships. All the aircraft you lost are one and then you pay for the carrier itself.


  15. How it works: Play Yamato.
    Fire a full salvo of 9 shells.
    Pay 3.6K credits for 1 salvo.

  16. @Reaper I’m not WG or anything but I would say somethings about your comment.
    1. A comment section is not the place for suggestions, the guy reading this is most likely a community manager who can’t pass these to the dev or management team.
    2. I agree that coop needs to be buffed, right now it’s just free wins. Bots with camo, upgrades, commander skills(probably up to 10 pts) and top modules, signals etc should be there. But there is no way you can get zero kills consistently in coop. You should be getting plenty of kills.
    2. I understand that randoms can be frustrating, happens to me alot too, and I’m not going to try and turn you to a random battle player, not everyone can take this level of frustration.
    3. Stalingrad deserve to be nerfed. It’s more like the vodka brand that you like and consistently buy again and again is too extreme and people keep telling the brand to reduce it. They are going to change the label and things but you may not like it again because it’s not as extreme as it used to. For the ship it’s buy once and keep forever even if they nerfed it but we all knew that t10 special ships can be nerfed and buffed at WG’s convenience and you bought it anyways. Back to the ship, Stalingrad is ridiculously overpowered, its guns have comparable penetration to north carolina’s guns, has one of the best ballistics in the game and can comfortably wreck battleships and cruisers alike at long range, the ship is covered in 50mm plating which is far better than half of the battleships have and also has an icebreaker. The “weak” citadel can’t be citadeled at long range if you don’t have guns with high penetration. In addition the 12km radar is just downright cancerous if you are a DD facing against it. You are not the only one playing that ship. Many players(including myself) also play it and many more face against it, the nerf is fair. The loss of fire prevention and basics of survivability is bad for every super cruiser in the game but they are all broken compared to regular cruisers(except azuma that ship sucks).
    3.5(?). It is bad on WG’s part to secretly change certain things, but then again the game is super buggy but then again it’s on WG’s part to make the game not buggy.
    4. Yes, please. Improve AA and secondaries.
    Although I would prefer an extensive change on AA and carriers that rewards good plays on surface ship’s part. For secondaries I would prefer if they add layered secondaries like how AA has layers while buffing the accuracy significantly(especially the commander skill to improve secondary accuracy).
    5. No. Satsuma and Hannover stay on their own mode and go after they are due. In random battles, while they are not OP they are still significantly better than standard battleships. In competitive modes they should never come close to competitive.
    6. Steel and research points are for specific subgroup of players. Steel is for highly skilled competitive players while research points are for die-hard players who just play this game for long periods of time or whales who have a ton of money to spend. They should be locked to their specific methods of earning them. It is not really rewarding for either group of players if everyone else is running around in ships that are supposed to be specific to them. But there should be another way to reward research bureau as well, for example rewarding some points when a player finished an entirely new branch instead of regrinding an existing branch. Many players would prefer to grind a new branch rather than have their hard earned ships sold and have to regrind them again. Of course if you can’t get these eye watering ships you can always get coal and freexp ships, which you can earn more easily.
    7. Yes improve old models of ships.
    8. Just like before you do not need to buy that. While 10000 is unreasonably expensive, 3000 is too cheap. Something along the lines of 7500-8000 is reasonable for a camo which is 80% show-off, 20% use as any other perma camo.
    9. I would appreciate if WG stop ruining the game like adding more aircraft and refresh the game with more historical ships(german battlecruisers[they are adding them], british battlecruisers, japanese light cruisers, alternative american destroyers, japanese battlecruisers, italian destroyers, dutch destroyers, european cruisers, pan-american battleships etc)

  17. MikeG's Gaming Pub

    God I wish more people knew about the fixed cost of ships.

  18. bring back the flags rewards for achievements. for once listen to your players base

  19. How it Works: Economics – Pay for premium time or a premium ship or you will find your account running bankrupt from the sheer cost of buying flags because if you arent paying for premium time or whatever wargaming doesnt want you to play the game

  20. How It Works: Economics. Predatory monetization the walkthrough.

    We’re going to try our darndest to force money out of you if you don’t like it, enjoy playing at a disadvantage to people who do. (Yes. Flags are a advantage.)

    Bonus wg points for simping in their comments section.

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