World of Warships – Get Mad

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In which I get restless during my summer break and post a video anyway. Because that’s just the way I roll.

All music licensed from and


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Just be aware that I get hundreds of emails every week and I can’t promise that I’ll show what you send in.


  1. Praise the Gnome! When the world needed him most, he returned.

  2. Hope you’re having a good time relaxing Jingles! Take care!

  3. The Farming Gopnik

    Don’t be so hard on yourself Jingles, you’re our favorite gnome overlord.

  4. Make-A-Woosh-Foundation

    Jingles: features Trenlass

    Trenlass: thanks my dude, I really appreciate it

  5. The DD “buff” is probably in preparation for submarines, because they are basically weaker destroyers.

  6. Trenlass balls is so massive that it crush the enemy braincells

  7. Jingles is like Ghandi in Civ. He is so Crap that he is ultimately amazing

  8. The most impressive thing about the replay is the 2 solo caps he got while firing all the time.

  9. Trenlass: “You don’t seem to understand. I’m not locked in here with you. YOU’RE locked in here with ME!!!”

  10. That’s probably the most aggressive Mino i’ve ever seen

  11. Trenlass: “Call a repair ship! But not for me.”

  12. Get featured by jingles :O my life is now completed. Thank you so much! I will now go back and farm more salt

  13. Cameron McAllister

    “We outnumber you 5 armour to 1”
    “Yes, do you see your mistake?”

  14. Unbekannter Nr. 1


  15. *Trenlass’s HP gets lowered to near death*

    Trenlass: Call an ambulance, but not for me.

  16. Trenlass: “God is dead, and I killed him.”

  17. Павел Коровкин

    he grounded himself for 20 sec in 12 km with Iowa and tirpitz, and broadside to amagi on other flank. he is not too angry to die, they are too potato to kill.

  18. I could practically hear BFG Division playing in the background while watching that display.

  19. Adam Marcinkowski

    He is just lucky ! , honestly so many ships and one erase him is just miracle , yes he can have skill in aiming & tactics , but he have NO control over opposite players , and if opposite players are lame or afk , is this still skill or just pure luck ?

  20. @Radio Active But he does produce very good and amusing WoWS videos (among others). So I am kind of conflicted here.

  21. ATL South Productions

    @Radio Active not trying to sell him short, I just think its funny lol

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