Battleship Schlieffen hunts the world record with friends – World of Warships

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Battleship Schlieffen hunts the world record with friends – World of Warships
WoWs replays – best World of Warships games
Schlieffen: 454k damage, 8 ships destroyed – World of Warships
Schlieffen is a German tier X Battleship.
The Schlieffen is part of the German Battleship line.
#WorldofWarships #WoWs #WOWsreplays
A high-speed battleship that inherited numerous traits of German battlecruisers of the World War I period. Her main armament is represented by 420 mm guns.

Battle Stats:
Version: 12.8.0
Server: NA
Time: 26-09-2023 14:58:05 EU TIME
Player: florsz
Ship: Schlieffen
Damage: 454141
Destroyed ships: 8
Map: Haven
Setting: Scottish rocks, tense gameplay.

Mods used for the replay recordings: WG modstation (calm sea, fog removed) World of Warships

You want to send me your WoWs replay?
Requirements: +3,5k BXP or +300k dmg, or 8 ships destroyed, or Solo Warrior. Send me the link/replay via mail, to find on the channel info page. Thank you!


  1. I’ve been playing for seven years now and some of these players just baffle me .. Like everyone , I’ve had some great battles and some good and some why’d I even bother playing .. Most base xp I’ve had is just over 3200 and close to 200k damage .. Amazing playing here , team work at it’s best ..

    • Something tells me this was a dry run for ranked battles. Always satisfying to see secondaries doing work. That Ohio was especially satisfying to see melt away.

  2. I saw an other video like this one.
    2 dds chain train smoking with Graf Zeppelin destroying everybody with his secondaries like schlieffens’
    Maybe the same team…

  3. If their team was a bit more competent, this would have been an easy victory. Insane gameplay, I congratulate those people on having actual fun in this game! 🎉❤

    • To get such damage numbers the team actually needs to suck. Thats why many record games are losses. And the loss is also partially down to this division which went with two DDs to the edge of the map just to smoke up that Schlieffen. Meanwhile the enemie team was able to secure all the caps.

    • bit more competent?! They had no DD, no cap pressure, what are you even talking about? They threw the game for some lols.

  4. Parabéns Flors!!! Faltou time. Desempenho muito acima dos 100%.

    Muito orgulho de ver brasileiros tocando o terror nesses gringos que adoram nos menosprezar e nos diminuir.

    Ainda acho que mereciam apanhar mais. E se quiserem ler o que escrevi que traduzem.

  5. This, this is what I want to see more of in world of warships. Incentives for team play, and REAL naval strategies being used

  6. дуже крута тактика!)

  7. Классная тактика!😊

  8. Kudos to red team, they didn’t try to win harder

  9. Perfekt GEILES TEAMWORK !!!!!!!! hat so gaudi gemacht zuzuschauen. danke. bitte MEHR DAVON !! 😉

  10. Руслан Гайдученко

    Great team work 👍 just wow

  11. Krl que dahora, o florsz é um jogador antigo de NavyField kkkkk… joguei com ele muito tempo.

  12. Una satisfaccion ver este video, un gran trabajo en equipo. Ver como los rivales se vuelven loco por no ver los barcos que les disparan; muy buen equipo destrozaron toda estrategia del enemigo. Se perdio la batalla pero ustedes ganaron expriencia eso vale mucho mas. Mas videos de estos por favor donde se pone en juego estrategias y juego en equipo. Nuevamente muchas felicidades.

  13. Gute Einzelleistung der Divi, allerdings ein paar Fragen bleiben.
    1. Warum schießt er so gut wie nie mit der Hauptabtterie, es wären einige Breitseite fahrende Gegner da gewesen.
    2. Warum wurde eigentlich nichts gemacht um das Team zu unterstützen? Es wurde nur auf eigene DMG gefahren.
    3. Warum wurde mehr um die Caps herumgerfahren anstatt sie zu blockieren oder einzunehmen?

    Wie gesagt gute Leistung aber mit mehr Teamplay wäre ein Sieg möglich gewesen, solche Teamkollegen braucht man nicht.

  14. Pięknie , jest na co popatrzeć. 👍

  15. 90% на одном ПМК – это шикарно 🙂

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