Mingles with Jingles Episode 388

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I’d like to take this opportunity to apologise for the recent regrettable incident which was caused by a clear failure to communicate. Rest assured that Akizuki will take full responsibility for my error and once the fuss has settled down will be promoted as a thank you for her loyalty.

The LWM HMCS Yukon Review: https://forum.worldofwarships.com/topic/240702-premium-ship-review-yukon/


  1. Hear hear! It’s a shame that Akizuki has to take the fall for this one though, but getting a pay raise outta it is always nice

  2. It should also be added that not only were Mouse and Chobi on the initial documents, they were repeatedly led to believe by the WG rep working with them that their proposals were indeed being sent up to the devs. They were literally led along by the nose only to find out at the end that NOTHING they did and worked on ended up in the game. I’m honestly not even shocked at the level of incompetence anymore. Yes, the apology made by Ev1n is a good one, but we need ACTION not WORDS. Enough with the WORDS.

    • Gareth Fairclough

      Chob bragged like fuck about it, acted like the big “I am” in other games and treated people like shit because “they didn’t have pull with WG”.

    • yea, they lost me at the Carrier F* up and the Puerto Rico

    • Thoughts and prayers?

    • Sapper Effected Videos

      But the thing is iChase, if this was an actual design job, there should be a contract (or design brief at minimum)… If for nothing more than so they know; what is expected, how it should be delivered, for how much and by when… Maybe because it was a community project there wasn’t one?
      But that’s thing, even on love jobs, it’s always a good idea to get one just so everyone is working off the same script. I strongly suspect there wasn’t one, I understand why that would be the case but well… This is one of the possible results.
      I feel for LWM and Chobby, I really do but sadly in design circles this sort of thing is common enough.

    • iChase, that is possibly the first thing I have seen from you in the last two years I can agree with.

  3. Fog_Repair_Ship_Akashi

    What happened to LWM and Chobittsu was just sad. The two of them are such great people in the community and Wargaming just screwed them over.

    • For real LWM shipreviews are straight up professional projects breaking down every scrap of information regarding the ship.

  4. I think we should extend “the Jingles moment” to every brainfart, not only “excellent” landings in War Thunder.

    • The Jingles maneuver

    • Isn’t the jingles moment a general brainfart while the “excellent” landing is a jingles landing?
      Or have I gotten this wrong?

    • @DearXZX You may actually be right. Seems like Jingles landing is a small subset of Jingles moment. In any case, as long as that pre-ancient seadog can get out of bed without accidentally triggering some nuclear disaster, we should be grateful.

  5. Are we sure they even have a PR department and its not just an empty room with phones ringing to cover some kind of business or labor law and to slap a label on a response to problems they clearly don’t care about

  6. Jäger der Große

    “Spreadsheet says this is fine.”
    – Wargaming as the community burns.

    • Socially it can burn but if revenue is up to their standards, they can’t care less.

    • Acktually according to our calculations the community burning is good for lowering toxicity in the community

    • Exactly. Spreadhshit says money comes in, so everything is fine. Community on fire or not is important usually does not even budge numbers much. What matters is if ` bottom line of spreadshit is in black, not red. Community does no longer matter, actually never did. they only acted like it to get spreadshit working

  7. At this point the extremely angry mob will no longer want blood
    Only dead body

  8. It’s news like this that makes me glad I have no further interest in playing World of Warships.

  9. Cool, Jingles having a Rita moment!!

  10. Hello Jingles, in the off chance that you are actually reading this, i have a question.
    Are you the reason the Youtube recommended “The Critical Drinker” to me?
    I’m asking because sentences like “Fuck off game” “why are they doing this? Dont know” sounds just like him.
    No that i’m complaining he has a great channel IMO, it just feels like it.

    Have a great day.

    That’s all I have for you GO AWAY NOW!

  11. The more news I hear out of Wargaming and their games, the more glad I am that I quit ages ago and whenever I tried to get back into it, went “ah, so that was why” in a week and uninstalled it again.

  12. My money is on Naval Legends: HMS Belfast with Jingles narrating.

  13. Bogdan Toma-Silai

    Jingles: is it statement A? to the WoWs and Canadian comunity…
    B, it’s B!

  14. Jingles saying WeeGee having a PR Team. I always thought a Mental Institute is comminating on their behalf. I mean this would be the only possible answer after all these yeras.

  15. Don’t forget about the most recent one before the Yukon, the “Godzilla vs. King Kong” bundles.

  16. WG… Toxic, defensive, extortionate, greedy, self serving, nasty, reviled, grubby, hated. And that’s just scratching the surface of how most feel about them.

    Somehow this festering boil of a dumpster fire of a company has made my favourite game despite thier best efforts to ruin it at every turn.

  17. You only need to look at the way Belarus is run as a country to see the same attitudes and behaviour in WGing. To be clear I am talking about government and official bodies. Not the people of this country. Who I am sure are very nice. As the average person from most countries is.

    • Unfortunately we can’t say that about the standard population in RB WoWS games. I got extended family who still live in Belarus, and I can indeed attest to them being good people.

  18. Things like this are exactly why I stopped playing any of WG’s games.

    • I had a break for about a year after the Puerto Rico insident. And haven’t payed for anything but premium time since then. So WG is loosing money when they do stuff like this.

    • Ans also you realise that their gaming experience is very shallow and extremely repetitive after a while….

  19. Buy your digital pitch forks now!
    They come with pointless lootboxes for free only 9,99

  20. Lesson of the day: Wargaming’s apologies aren’t worth a flying fuck, it’s just an admittance that they got caught being assholes that will happily fuck us over for money. Doesn’t mean they will change their behaviour at all, in fact it is pretty much a guarantee, that they will try again the first chance they get at this point.

  21. WG are a bunch of Karens.

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