World of Warships // De Ruyter / “Pleasure cruises on the River Medway”

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Should a Dutch naval vessel be properly called a stroopschip? Asking for a friend.


World of Warships is a multiplayer warship battle game – you can sign up through:


  1. I got this,or was supposed to with my Amazon prime account but I never saw it in my port, and I have my accounts linked,idk what I done wrong

  2. That Phoenix… I can’t say they got what they deserved because they certainly didn’t deserve that kill after taking a break from the battle and leaving yah high and dry, but it felt really, really good to see Tuccy utterly delete them five seconds later 😛

  3. Pointy’s Being Robbed Channel?

  4. It’s a surprisingly good T4, got mine through the Prime thing. 7 guns in proper turrets at T4 v v nice

  5. He it’s CAPTION GUY !!!

  6. Some nice gameplay there Jedi
    Phoenix is 6 sec reload BTW

  7. Phoenix deserved that for kill securing

  8. Oh, T4 cruiser with a spotter?! I do wish my Kuma had that, but alas.
    But GG, thanks for making and sharing!

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