World of Warships- Italian Battleships Are Finally Here!

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Hey guys! Today we go over the patch notes for 10.1 and the Italian BB event, enjoy!


Outro Music: Stranger Think- C418

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  1. Finally my favorite ships in game!!! Just unlocked paolo so i have all italian ships again!

  2. Yeah, WG continues to introduce new ships into the game while refusing to deal with basic playability issues people have been complaining about for years. That is, when they aren’t creating new playability issues with their constant reworking of basic game mechanics. Very exciting.

    • @The Bradford If you knew how the crew skills worked in WoT then you would understand my thoughts on using the same system in WoWS. WT is completely different game. For example in WoT as you train your commander, gunner, driver, loader, and radio man it increases repair times, fire fighting, view ranges, reloading, accuracy, driving/mobility, ect. Because your crew is trained the increase in permanent. Not a temporary buff, or situational buff, crews are always active.

      I disagree with cruisers. There is no skills to deal with fires. There is no secondary builds. The play style of cruisers did not change other than secondary brawler builds. But now it is do you want to be spotted all the time DPS build, or do you want to go with concealment. That is your build choices. Being reduced to basically 2 builds is not giving more choices.

      As to COOP and scenarios. I never asked for changes to the bot system or the to scenarios. Now I do wished WG would bring back all the scenarios that were removed. Not sure why they removed them. It was nice having a bigger rotation. If you had experience with the PvE in the game then you would understand what I am talking about. Many of the commander skills that have been added, WG did not just come up with this. It has been apart of their bot system. The difference is the bots have these buffs active at all times. The bot system is basically a cheat system. The broken hit boxes I think are tied to the bot system and I think the reason WG does not acknowledge this problem is because they can not fix one without effecting the other. And for people that do not play any PvE or watch their own replays probably never notice this or ever will. WG has broken hit boxes in WoT as well. I can’t tell you how many times I have been shot in my view port on top of the turret and it kills my driver.

      As to player base. I player PvP and PvE and that is why I said that. It was clear you did not know how many players play PvE in this game and it is a large amount of people. I do not know the exact % but it is more than 5%.

    • @The Bradford I do think the CV rework went too far. It may have increased the number of CV players but pissed off a large number of other players, so the net effect is not necessarily positive

    • @heridfel To be completely honest though, any change that WG makes pisses of most players, even though sometimes it was a necessary change for the game to develop. Kind of human nature, we all dont like change lol. At the start the CV rework was hell but over times with constant changes, CVs are fine as they are right now apart from Enterprise and FDR but hey Thundender and smolesk are hated too by fire spitters themselves haha

    • @Yahto TV Yes my WoT knowledge is about an hours worth lol, so yes i dont have really any understanding on how the system works, so i would have to go and learn to WoT system before making a judgment on how this would work in WOW.

      Well at least we can both agree cruisers got the worst out of the rework. As yes there builds are basically limited to DPS, Concealment, and then a mix of hybrids between AA, Consumables and last stand builds. However i would still argue cruisers are better of with builds than before they have just been overshadowed but i do think they could have been done a lot better that what they have done. As for fire, i mean im not one who likes to camp behind an island, when i play cruisers i tend to be constantly on the move so fire is never an issue for me but i can see how to des moine, stalin and petros this can be an issue.

      As for Bots, i cant really say anything more than i have said, to me and all clans i play with this has never been an issue, even in the operations. Never experienced the issues you are describing so i cant say anything on that. While yes the figure of 95% was plucked from thin air i do admit, i will still bet my bottom dollar that the overwhelming number of players will play random battles a lot more than they play CO-OP battles, i mean just going into battle i sometimes have to wait to go in CO-OP battles and get bots on my own team whereas i never have to wait longer than 20 seconds to get into a random battle. For that reason i believe WG should not concentrate their efforts on fixing issues with Bots or CO-OP issues right now

    • @heridfel As Swailes mentioned, implanting change is always difficult and there will always be a blacklash but the rework was over 2 years ago and CVs are in a better positioned now than they were back then. The rework just had a terrible development and launching phase that translating to hate for the class that carry’s on. In the end people are coming round to CVs and getting bored of the CV hate train some youtuber go on about. Just a shame WG have to screw it up with releases like the FDR which most CV players dont like.

  3. 3:58 – You can see on the right hand side that all 3 rounds from this rear turret shot ended up full penning, but then you keep track of the damage counter before and after and those point blank 3 AP rounds that all penned only netted him 7k damage total!? None of those getting a citadel at point blank range right into the sweet spot is the first issue, but even beyond that how the hell did 3 point blank full penning battleship AP rounds only do an average of about 2,350 damage each right here?

    • Cit is lower

    • Sea Lord Mountbatten

      Magic Soviet space magic armor. Shoulda seen my face when that happened, the reason I didn’t fire on the FDG was that I was sure I could delete the cruiser, yet Soviet armor wins again. I thought I overpenned his citadel at first, but apparently I penned and just did minimal damage

  4. My favorite ship in game is not even a ship its a submarine.

  5. Hyuuga is read Heyuuuu-ga, lol.

  6. “Not the greatest accuracy”
    Gives vibes like how they described the new US BB as “moderately slow”

  7. I only have the Roma at the moment on the Italian side, but looking forward to this and your reviews.

  8. The pain of watching you fail to damage the BBs coming up the slot OMFG

  9. I’m sick to death of bundles, loot boxes, and fake worthless currency.

  10. david and martine albon

    Damn, with the new os requirements for the new update I can’t play with the new Italian BBs…
    They look awesome though

  11. I love the Legion Camouflage, but no chance I spend so many euros for that.

  12. Now I’m going to wait for a Greek ship so that I can troll Italian ships

  13. #mecojoni! complimenti per la spiegazione.

  14. @heridfel Honestly, what does it matter if you pronounce something wrong if you’re still understood? It is extremely nitpicky to demand someone to invest time on something they will never necessarily need multiple times. Example, imagine you yourself go to a restaurant and order food. After you’re done eating, you want to express your gratitude by trying to say “thank you for really good meal” in their language and when staff hear that, they tell you to invest time to learn how to pronounce it right. Would you ever go to that restaurant again?

  15. I only watch Mountbatten “for the articles!”

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