World of Warships – DD Gnevny 8 Kills 148K Damage

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Player: Acht_Acht
Ship: Gnevny
Map: Strait

User Description:

Gnevny. 8 Kills. 148k Damage. High Caliber, Confederate, 2x Devastating Strike, Double Strike, Arsonist & Kraken Unleashed.

Firstly. Holy crap my heart was reallllly racing towards the end of that game. Can not even begin to describe the adrenaline rush I felt.

Starting out I went to assert dominance over A by knocking out their V-170 and Konig through some cheeky island torping. And then supporting my team with gunfire to wear down their battleships and cruiser(s) in the area. After their ships in the area were sunk or retreated I moved on over to B to continue to support with gunfire and support the few teammates I had in the area. The match was slowly going against us with their team leading in points and controlling the majority of the north side of the map.

I was fortunate enough to have their two Myogis both focus engaging our Kongo which allowed me to slip past and wither one down while I closed the distance to the other with torpedoes. It got really hairy closing in that close with their secondaries taking me down to realy low health. Also fortunately, their Carrier was in open water near B presumably after capping which came down to a race for me to burn him down and avoid his torpedo bombers.

I guess I got lucky with the fires on the carrier which netted me the kill and gave me a window to dodge the torpedoes.

Heck, I guess I got really lucky with their team playing kinda poorly.

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